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Your product selection from Cedar Creek Beef

One Fourth of a Cow

$5.10 per pound

One Fourth of a cow will weigh approx 1200 lbs live weight and will have a hanging (dressing) weight 600-650 lbs. Your take-home beef will be about 70-75%% of the hanging weight and custom-cut, to include steaks, roasts, ground beef, ribs, etc.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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About Cedar Creek Beef

Cedar Creek Beef is located near Bennett, N.C. We specialize in Angus, grass fed and grass finished beef. Our grazing management utilizes holistic planned techniques to preserve the soil, hold the water and carbon to constantly improve microbial behavior. We rotate our herd to different pastures with fresh forages to consume. Thus, our steers are raised in a low stress environment of calm, open pastures feeding on mother's milk and high quality forages from birth to harvest. They are never confined to muddy, crowded conditions or feedlots. Cedar Creek Beef is located in Randolph County with rolling hills and lush grass ideal for cattle. Cattle production is managed solely by our families giving much attention to wholesome beef production. The operation has a herd health program and is BQA (Beef Quality Assurance) practices have been implemented for maintaining a healthy productive animal.


Cedar Creek Beef
907 Caviness Town Rd
Robbins, NC 27325

More products from Cedar Creek Beef

Grass Fed Beef

$4.10 per pound

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A whole finished cow will weigh approximately 1200 lbs live weight and will have a hanging (dressing) weight 600-650 lbs. Your take-home beef will be about 70-75%% of the hanging weight and custom-cut, to include steaks, roasts, ground beef, ribs, etc.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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Half a Cow

$4.60 per pound

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Half finished cow will weigh approx. 1200 lbs live weight and will have a hanging (dressing) weight 600-650 lbs. Your take-home beef will be about 70-75%% of the hanging weight and custom-cut, to include steaks, roasts, ground beef, ribs, etc.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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One Fourth of a Cow

$5.10 per pound

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One Fourth of a cow will weigh approx 1200 lbs live weight and will have a hanging (dressing) weight 600-650 lbs. Your take-home beef will be about 70-75%% of the hanging weight and custom-cut, to include steaks, roasts, ground beef, ribs, etc.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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